Monday, December 29, 2008

A New Years Like No Others!

I am the queen of resolutions. Seriously - ask anyone who knows me. I am in a constant state of renovation, inside and out. Many of my resolutions fail, many only partially succeed. But the reason I keep making them, like 1 good shot on a golf course, is because ONCE in a while... I make them stick.

Over the years, my resolutions looked similar. Lose weight. Exercise more. Spend less. Lose weight. Quit smoking. Most of these never made it through to February.

However, this New Years will mark:
  • 12 years since I resolved to NEVER let a person destroy my inner confidence again
  • 10 years since I resolved to make my daughter the centre of my life
  • 3 years since I resolved to quit smoking
  • 2 years since I resolved to eat healthier
  • 1 year since I resolved to maintain my goal weight
And this year, I have many areas from which to draw my resolution(s) from. But what I do know is, my resolutions will be a reflection of truly building the woman I was meant to be. Not the reflection of someone else's goals and desires (or lack thereof), not projecting some image of who I think others think I should be... my resolutions this year will be my gift to myself for surviving and thriving during what has been my biggest hurdle - my biggest burden - ever placed in my path. It's my reward for growing stronger instead of becoming weak.

Foodwise, Christmas has posed some interesting challenges. I have worked hard over the last 2 years to be able to enjoy myself, but I am finding very little joy in feeling gross from over eating (only 2 times, really) or from eating the junk. I am realizing, albeit slowly and somewhat painfully, that most of it just isn't worth it. But those wolves - those howling pangs of the past - constantly lurk at my door. "Awww that looks so yummy" "A few won't hurt" "Better eat them now, before they're gone"... I've got to start howling back.

Peace and joy to you during this blessed season. And my next post will greet you with the fresh new perspective of 2009!

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