Monday, May 19, 2008

New Goal.

So I am teetering on the line between adjusting to my new body, and suffering from societal body image pressures. The new America's Top Model has been hailed a "plus size" model at size 8-10. Hard for me to reconcile that a size 8-10 is where I'm at - and was considered my goal. Why can't they just call her "normal"? I realize that in the modeling world, size 0-2 is considered normal. But what I don't understand is how they can get away with calling this plus size, or full figured?

Having said that, I do have to come to terms to what body size I should be. At the beginning of my journey, I thought that 155 was my ideal size. And I do feel really good, (3 lbs shy of the goal) and have been able to quite easily maintain this weight. But, and this is for health reasons MOSTLY, I worry about the belly fat I still have. So I am making it my goal to try to lose 10 more pounds, and tighten up my tummy. I am setting a time frame of my birthday (more than 8 weeks away) to lose the 10 pounds.

So here I go, back into the losing mentality.
  • I am committed to sticking to Core principles, not sacrificing healthy food for lower calories.
  • I will use dictator-like commitment in incorporating more cardio based activities, and pushing my heart a little more.
  • I will watch and lower my sodium intake.
Here's to trying something to further improve my health, adjust my body image and reconcile the new me to my OWN standards.

Have a wonderful short week all!

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