Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 2

Well I had a pretty good day yesterday! I am seeing the areas where I need to focus on (the little bites here and there are sneaking up on me) I counted everything I ate yesterday (which I don't HAVE to do, but I find the accountability good for me) and ended up with a net points of 24 (including using 3 APs) I went over because I had sunflower seeds at Emma's game last night, and a bowl of cereal, oh yeah, and 4 bites of Emma's blizzard....

So night time snacking has to be monitored as well.

Here's my plan for today: (Flex) CORE

B1: banana, coffee (1pt) CORE
B2: diced potatoes, egg whites, green onions, turkey bacon (3 pts) 1 PT CORE
L1: asparagus, fruit cocktail in water (1 pt) CORE
L2: black bean dip, carrots, cukes, 1 pita (4 pts) 2 PTS CORE
D: taco salad (6 pts) 1 PT for cheese CORE
SN: popcorn (2 pts) CORE; shredded wheat n bran, ff milk, blueberries (3 pts) CORE

Activity: 20 minute fast walk (1AP); softball (1AP)

I'm hoping my determination and positive outlook today will hold me through a very busy schedule, keeping me on plan!!!

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