Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ugh. Stupid Brain - Head Hunger Pangs

Rough night tonight. To have a preteen daughter that is
  1. Just like me
  2. Going to change the world someday
  3. Has a temper
  4. Knows which buttons to push
  5. Just like me
Is a challenge, to say the least. Tonight was tough - and I am sad and regretful for the argument. I hate regret - I try to avoid it at all costs. Reading about a young girl who is suspected to have died with the flu recently makes my sadness even greater. And she's not here for me to reach out and wake up to kiss and hug and apologize and remind her of how precious life is. Result: Mind is going crazy.

I have been in and out of the kitchen all night. I want sweet and salty. Or a big piece of peanut butter toast. I have settled for 1 point worth of crunchy fibre cereal. Good choice, but not cutting it. So, I've been trying to convince myself to go to bed, but losing that battle. Finding every reason to keep going into the kitchen, and continually getting frustrated with the knowledge that my stomach IS NOT hungry. So, as I hit POST, I am absolutely going to bed. End the misery that has been this day, and look forward to seeing Emma tomorrow and starting over again, thankful that I have another day to do that.

Hug your babies tonight. And be good to yourself!


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