Monday, November 2, 2009

Ok.... back to it.

So much changed since the last time I posted 9 months ago! I am in school full time, studying Massage Therapy. I love it, but it's one heck of an intensive course. It's a whole new set of challenges, not the least of which is managing a healthy diet.

Here it is in black and white - I have gained 20 pounds. 24 if you count my lowest weight. I am getting scared. And I've used excuses for the last 6 months. Here they are:

Summer = beer. I had lots of booze. Way too much, really.
Eating out. Following someone else's routine caused a lot of damage.
Hormones. Mine were completely thrown off balance my a device intended to control my cycle.
New schedule - no time to work out, rushed eating.

Ok. It's out there. Now what? I am struggling to stay away from the chocolate left from Halloween. Starting today - NO MORE. I can't handle it. It has to be a NO NO food.

Taking the time when I can to exercise is critical. I need to get 3 hours of exercise a week - no matter what. I can do that. Here are my other goals:

75% clean diet - managing 26 points a day.
Lose 15 pounds by Christmas
Enjoy my life again! Including school - which is amazing.
Reduce packaged snacks - get my 5-10 fruits & veggies in a day.
Get Emma more active - using our new puppy as incentive!
Blog twice a week at least.

Here's to another new start with a guaranteed positive finish! Thanks for reading.


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