Monday, January 12, 2009

Mondays aren't so bad...

I was actually happy it was Monday when I woke up. I did not have a very good weekend - and I'm not welshing on my positivity resolution: Had to go into Regina to take my sister and niece to the airport. That wasn't fun in itself, but then it was also Emma's first time back since we left. She struggled, which made it hard for me too. Ate a lot for supper, and regretted it. Roads were terrifying on the way home - even saw an SUV roll into the ditch. Scary.

Yesterday was not much better emotionally (a little PMS, I think...) until my mom and dad came for a working visit (my pops changed an outlet for my daughter's new flat screen tv). It was wonderful. My mom and I are extremely close, and working out our new proximity has not been easy. Boundaries are fickle things. But we had a great conversation to acknowledge it, and we both agreed how important our closeness was. And she lifted my spirits very successfully.

On track today - and meeting with a travel agent to discuss our Vegas options!!!

Food-wise, here's my fuel:

B1: peaches in water (1pt)
B2: 2 WW toast, pb, egg (5pts)
L1: dirty rice (4pts)
L2: veggies & dip (1pt)
S: taco salad, skinny cow (9pts)
Sn: popcorn (2pts)

Activity: 30 mins Wii, shoveling snow for 15 mins

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