Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Quick Post... Then bed

Ack! Biggest Loser night... Is that a valid excuse for such a late bedtime?

Struggling with hunger and the scale this week. Not over my daily + WPA, but feel like I'm not doing well. The scale is saying "up" but I know I've done ok. 15+ minutes of exercise every day, no bad choices... PMS?

Well, here's to getting closer to being in control!

I will post a fab tofu recipe tomorrow... SMACK DADDY!

Here was my fuel today:

B: cereal, berries, ff milk (4pts)
L1: egg salad, bread, mushroom soup (5pts)
L2: granola bar, fruit & dip (4pts)
D: left over parma chameleon, salad, popsicle (6pts)
SN: dark chocolate, granola, yogurt, berries (6pts)
25 pts (23 + 2 flex) - still have 6 flex points left!!!

AP: 20 mins of abs & muscle work

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