Sunday, April 6, 2008

What's the deal with weekends?

Ok, so I know I'm not the first person in the weight loss world to take issues with weekends. I go in with the best intentions, and then BAM! Out of nowhere, I start rationalizing things. Ok, I spent an hour cleaning house, that's almost as good as going to the gym, right? I'll have a good lunch when I get home, but right now licorice and some baked cheetos will have to do. A little splurge on supper won't hurt, I'm on maintenance...

And by the end of the night, I'm feeling like a stuffed pork chop, all lazy and BLECH. I woke up so grouchy this morning... but why? Oh right. I treated my body like crap yesterday. Core food what? I don't think I had more than3 items that would be considered core yesterday. So today, this is what's up:

  • I've already done 20 minutes of hard strength training & 20 mins of 15% @4.1 on the treadmill
  • I am having a yummy breakfast of turkey bacon, eggs, possibly some ww WW toast, fruit salad and timmy's coffee (thanks for the coffee hon!)
  • I am letting Emma-Leigh pick from my list of approved of clean eating meals. (Um yeah, that's always a fun conversation. No Emma, mcnuggets aren't on the list. No Emma, bologna is not on the list.)
  • I'm hoping to wash my car (if it doesn't start to rain here)

I feel better already... and can't wait for my yummy yummy breakfast!

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