Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Addiction issues. Is fat on the list of addictive substances?

Cuz it should be. I was reflecting on my mindless shoveling of mini donuts and elephant ear carcasses from the fair, and realized that I didn't even ENJOY the taste of them. The first one had a nice warm texture and sweet smell, but the grease was overwhelmingly the flavour. And it tasted awful, but I kept shoveling.

I realized that the mind plays tricks on you. Should we, as evolved human beings, crave the food that fuels us best? Survival of fittest would indicate that this should be the case. Maybe the health nuts will be the fittest and survive? Well heck, count me in! My favourite treats these days:
  • fresh, cold watermelon
  • fresh hummus, extra garlic, with whole wheat pita chips
  • red ripe tomatoes with sea salt and pepper
  • looking forward to cucumbers from my garden!!!
So why does my body still CRAVE fat and sugar - the things that could potentially kill me? Addiction. Plain and simple. The problem is that you can't avoid it completely - unlike other addictions. So I have to moderate the addiction while still consuming fats and sugars occasionally (though, I do limit them an awful lot). Not easy, but hopefully the changes from the past 18 months, in combination with some reprogramming will aid in my managing this addiction for the long haul. And hopefully I can lessen the addiction my daughter has in time to avoid so many pitfalls of an unhealthy teenage diet!

Here's my plan for today:

B1: banana & coffee (1)
B2: yogurt, blueberries & corn squares (3)
L1: Caesar salad (3)
L2: veggies & dip (1)
D: Hakuna Frittata (didn't get to make this yesterday!) (6)
S: cereal & milk (3)

AP: brisk 20 minute walk, mini-workout & some trampoline time!

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