Thursday, August 28, 2008

Crash and burn. Sort of.

So I knew that last night's celebration of my father's birthday would NOT be point friendly. But, the plans were to hang out at the park, so I thought at least I could work off some calories! Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate, so we ordered in. And it was Chinese.

And to make matters worse, I thought I would curb my crazy hunger before supper by snacking on a handful of dried fruit. The package I bought had the best NI I'd seen, and a handful would only by3 points. Except that I mindlessly ate the whole bag. 11 points. HOLY CRAP BATMAN!

So I had a 40 point day yesterday, with no activity. AWESOME.

So obviously my plan is to get back on track big time today!

B1: banana with 1 tsp pb (2)
B2: heritage flakes cereal, blueberries & ff milk (3)
L1: pork sandwich (if there's pork left) (4)
L2: salad, grapefruit (1)
D: tofu stirfry? I have to shop, so we'll see. (8)
SN: popcorn (2)

AP: GETTIN MY BUTT TO THE GYM! And walking Emma to & from school!

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